KIND Committee shows appreciation for teachers with hot chocolate

KIND Committee members run hot chocolate stand to show appreciation for teachers.

Anna McCarthy, Reporter

While on the Wednesday before winter break students got to be at home for their virtual day, the teachers still had to come to school. In order to thank the teachers and staff for all that they have done last year, the KIND Committee decided to hold a surprise hot chocolate bar for them.

“We did something similar last year but the students weren’t as much of a part of it. We wanted to be able to give the teachers a break from their virtual day and come down to the commons and have yummy hot chocolate,” KIND Committee member Autumn Young said. 

The KIND Committee had to plan and prepare for the hot chocolate bar. Because it is being done on a day where students have off, some members will be coming in to help make sure everything runs smoothly. 

We had to come in Wednesday morning to do the hot chocolate bar for teachers. We also had a couple of people from KIND go shopping for necessary supplies,” KIND Committee member Ann Schmitz said. 

Senior Camdyn Rohde prepares hot chocolate to serve to teachers.

The plan for the hot chocolate bar was made at one of the KIND Committee meetings.

We talked about it as a possibility during our last meeting and some of the members volunteered to come in that day to serve the teachers,” KIND Committee adviser Amy Wenig said. 

The hot chocolate bar was not just the average hot chocolate bar with only marshmallows and hot chocolate. The KIND Committee wanted to really make it special for the holidays.

There was hot chocolate, whipped cream, peppermint sticks, sugar, Pepperidge Farm Cookies, and marshmallows,” Young said.

The hot chocolate bar was considered to be a success within the KIND Committee. 

The teachers were very appreciative of students coming in on their day off to show them some KINDness,” Wenig said.