Students compete in Pi Day competition

Nicole King

Luyen Pham’s winning pumpkin pie

Issac Smith, Reporter

Pi Day is all about the number Pi, or 3.14, and for many years now math teacher Nicole King’s calculus class has celebrated with a Pi Day pie competition. The calculus students each make their own pie and then the judges decide which pie is the best. The winner gets their name on a Pi symbol plaque.

   “Pi day is on March 14, a day to just recognize the number Pi. We were busy preparing for our test so we could not celebrate Pi Day on Pi Day, so we are celebrating it late,” King said.

   The idea was originally started by retired math teacher Kay Rossow. The tradition now carries on every year.

   “We have been doing this for years, and it takes a lot of preparation. I don’t have every year’s awards, but I have some plaques of the winners we have had,” King said.

   This year’s winner was senior Luyen Pham with a pumpkin pie that said “We heart calc,” calc being short for calculus. 

   “I did not expect to win, but it was nice. We had a lot of good applicants this year, it was just nice to see that I won, which was really surprising. We had really nice pies, they were all so good,” Pham said.