Seniors eligible to vote in midterm election
“I voted after school, about four in the afternoon at the Town of Marion town hall,” senior Katelyn Piechowski said. Seniors Autumn Young and Katelyn Piechowski, after they voted, photographed with their stickers recieved from voting.
November 10, 2022
The midterm election was held on Nov. 8. Citizens were asked to vote on a range of issues and candidates from local referendums to the governor. For some seniors, this was their first opportunity to vote.
“I voted in the Nov. 8 midterm election. It was something I have been wanting to do for years. Once I turned 18 I could legally vote and my opinions were finally accounted for in the election. This is something my family has always said to me; your opinion does matter and is accounted for,” senior Katelyn Piechowski said.
Turning 18 may feel like it does not change much to some students, although they are officially adults. One thing it does change is it gives individuals the ability, and civic duty, to give their opinion and vote in elections. With this new responsibility, comes the need to educate yourself prior to voting.
“I did a lot of research before voting. I talked to my father a lot who tends to be very insightful and neutral. I spent a lot of time on websites comparing and contrasting candidates based on their core values and plans to improve Wisconsin as a whole. I also went to a public event where I had the opportunity to see Senator Bernie Sanders speak about the importance of voting and problems that not only Wisconsin faces, but the nation faces as a whole,” senior Maribel Herrada said.
While individuals may feel they are just one person, and their vote does not matter, every vote counts.
“The right to vote and have a say in our government is part of our responsibilities as Americans. I think you should vote if you can make an educated decision,” senior Autumn Young said.
Piechowski has a similar opinion to Young, and believes in the importance of voting if you are able.
“If you are able to vote you should because it gives you a chance to have a say on your opinions. If you don’t think that your one opinion matters there could be hundreds more thinking the same thing. Even if your candidates don’t win the election you still have the joy of participating,” Piechowski said.
Piechowski believes voting is not only a responsibility but is something that citizens should take pride in, as we have the ability to vote on who we want to represent us.
“It felt good to vote, but at the same time weird because I don’t feel like an adult. I remember my father taking me to the polls when I was younger and it just is a good and weird feeling that I get to participate in this civic activity,” Piechowski said.
Herrada says she feels similarly on this topic and can relate to Piechowski’s enjoyment of being able to vote.
“When I turned 18 the biggest excitement for me was being of age to vote. It’s something that I have been looking forward to these past few years as I’ve grown older. Walking out of the Armory gave me such joy knowing that for the first time I was able to put something forth in a chance to make a positive impact on society,” Herrada said.