FFA not just about farming

Anna McCarthy, Editor-in-Chief

FFA usually has a stigma around it that it is “the farming club” or it is only for students who want to become farmers one day. In reality FFA is open for anyone to join and they welcome members who want to become business owners, scientists and more. 

FFA is a student-led organization that does a variety of local events as well as statewide and national events,” FFA President Brady Pomplun said. 

Pomplun has been the FFA President for the past two years. Agriculture teacher Melissa Remer is the new FFA Advisor this year. 

“I became the FFA advisor this year because when I was in high school FFA was a club I was part of that helped shape me into the person I am today. FFA gave me forever friendships, leadership and career skills, along with the ability to share my passion. Becoming the FFA advisor allows me to share my passion with students and inspire them,” Remer said. 

FFA participates in and hosts a variety of events. Each year, towards the end of October or the beginning of November, FFA goes to the FFA National Convention. The FFA National Convention takes place in Indianapolis and hosts a variety of events. 

We do things at the national level like the national convention in Indianapolis. We get to close colleges and new technology that’s coming out. We get to go to rodeos and concerts,” Pomplun said. 

FFA also does a lot of local events within the school and community. 

“Some of the activities FFA does is roadside cleanup, fundraising events, participating in Ag Week and Ag Olympics, Ag in the Classroom, and a bowling party,” Remer said. 

FFA is open to anyone to join, even if they do not plan on becoming a farmer. 

“Any student can join FFA even if they do not have an interest in or are part of the farming community. FFA is so much more than animals and plants. It is developing leadership and communication skills, helps boost your confidence, and gain new friendships,” Remer said.
To join, students can stop by the Mellissa Remer’s room (T110) and fill out a sign up sheet.

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