Wordsmiths Club offers writers opportunities


The Wordsmiths Club attended their annual “Perspectives” banquet. Those in attendance from left to right: Adviser Andrew Reise, junior Violet Daubner, seniors Anna Schumacher and Ethan Brunke, and sophomore Andrew Rozek.

Tess Kujawa, Reporter

From songs to short stories to poetry, the Wordsmiths Club can write anything. The club recently had five of its members included in the conference literary magazine “Perspectives.” 

“The club is all about students who like writing creatively in different ways [and] getting together to share some of their writings and help each other improve,” English teacher Andrew Riese said. 

The Wordsmiths Club has many challenges that are open to everyone in the school throughout the year. Right now there is a comic strip short story contest going on that is due May 15.

I think all of the contests Wordsmiths hosts are a great way to foster student creativity and help us reach out to all students, not just club members,” co-chair Anna Schumacher said. 

There are not many students in the club but the current members are a very tight-knit group. 

“The community there is great. Everyone is accepting and able to share their work,” sophomore Aidan Pierstorff said. 

All the contests that the Wordsmiths put on are generated by the students in the club. 

If any of our members have an idea for a new contest, we hear out their idea and do our best to make it happen,” Schumacher said. 

The club is run by two co-chair persons, seniors Ethan Brunke and Anna Shumacher. They hold elections at the end of every year for new ones for the next year. The club meets every Wednesday during lunch in Riese’s room. 

“One of the things we do at the meetings is sharing. There’s basically an author’s chair portion of the meeting and nobody’s forced to get up in front, but they have a chance to and present,” Riese said. 

Students in the club have a chance to earn an academic letter through Wordsmiths. To get it club members have to publish their work while in school, come to a majority of meetings, and share at least 10 times over the course of the year. Schumacher has received a letter. 

“I joined because I enjoy creative writing and was looking for a community of people to encourage and critique me,” Schumacher said.