The Incentive Room is a new addition to Berlin High School; The Red and Green is all for this idea, and what it can grow into. This new collaboration space can be used when a class finishes an exam or a unit.
Teachers should start using this room as a reward. This space has not been utilized much this year, but it is still early in the school year. Furthermore, this room should use a trial run system to see what gets the most use. The items with the most use should stay and the activities they do not should be replaced with new items requested by the students.
According to the office, there is a budget for the room so there will be updates, and requested items will be reviewed. The requested items should be surveyed to see what people think about the new additions before purchasing.
This room can bring people together. People that get to utilize this room will be able to create new bonds or friendships with other students that they normally would not hang out with outside of school.
The Incentive room can motivate students to do well on an exam or assessment, especially if there are things in the room that kids want to use. Administration says they want a reason to make school seem a little more fun. They want to give kids a reason to come to school and work hard.
Working hard and attempting to do well in school is always easier when students have something to look forward to after. This collaboration space will do well with the students as long as kids voice their opinion on the things they have and things that need to be replaced.