For the Academic Awards Breakfast, the food service classes prepare a large breakfast for the students and parents to enjoy. This year however, Whitney Keyes, the food service teacher has been on maternity leave and was unable to prepare the breakfast.
“We got everything catered from Crossroads. They made a delicious continental breakfast for us and always have been great to work with. With that said, we will continue to use our food service classes in the future,” Principal Bryant Bednarek said. “Mrs. Keyes and her classes also do a great job for us, and it’s a great opportunity for the students to prepare something for an event and be recognized for it.”

The Academic Awards Breakfast was created in the 1987-1988 school year by the Student Council. Students earn awards once they have accumulated a certain amount of points. Having a 3.8 or higher GPA awards students three points, a 3.2-3.79 GPA awards two points, and a 3.0-3.19 GPA awards one point.
Once students reach a certain number of points they get their academic letter for their letterman jacket. After students receive a letter, they can continue to earn points and receive a first and even second bar.