The girls soccer team starts workouts with a full roster of 27 girls. They have been practicing working together with the ball and as a team, making sure every girl is well aware of what to expect when they actually begin playing.
New Head Coach Lindsey Rost has been coaching since high school, but this will be her first official year coaching for a high school girls soccer team.
“I just want them to enjoy themselves. My number one goal is that someone can enjoy themselves and that they can learn something new. I am really trying to develop and foster a stronger team culture, so that’s ultimately my goal,” Rost said.
With more girls signed up, there is a lot on Rost’s plate. But, there are players that have played soccer the entirety of their whole high school careers.
“I have been playing soccer my whole high school career. One thing that I really liked coming back to was probably the team. The girls on the team inspired me to go back to soccer every year,” senior Delilah Rubio said.
Not only have the seniors seen a change in the team’s growth, so have some sophomores that have had both the old coach and new coach. The sophomores like Kate Scharff and more are now experiencing what both coaches have to offer, and their positions on the field.
“I have played every position on the field besides goalie. I do not know what positions I am getting this year, but I hope to get something forward and midfield,” Scharff said.
With learning these new positions comes much room for improvements, and coach Rost is prepared to help the girls in any way they need.
“I want them to know that I am here for them. I want to be able to analyze individuals where they are currently. I also want them to be able to analyze their skills. They can come to me with any of their questions that they may have,” Rost said.
The girls first soccer game is on April 1 at Wautoma.
Girls Soccer begins pre-season with new coach
Reese Nowicki, Reporter
March 20, 2024
Senior Delilah Rubio and sophomore Kate Sharff pass the ball around to each other, in the freezing cold weather, on March 18 at the first day of practice.
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Reese Nowicki, Reporter
Reese Nowicki is a Berlin High School Senior. She is a swim and track varsity athlete. Excited to finish her last semester writing for the Red ‘n‘ Green.