Senior prom court chosen for 2024
Tess Kujawa, Editor-in-Chief
April 4, 2024
Senior prom court 2024. First row (L-R): Macey Rilling, Avannah Hilgart, Molly Shearer. Second row: Jenna Nigbor, Alexandra Budde, Emma Boegh. Third row: Jane Hoffman, Camille Bruce-DeMuri, Claire Bartol. Fourth row: Lauren Burgess, Wyatt Hamersma, Layten Sobieski. Fifth row: Deacon Vang. Sixth row: Brock Wilde, Alex Johnson. Seventh row: Dean McAllister, Camden Johnson. Not pictured: Trevor Clark, Parker Hess, Walker Goffard.
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About the Contributor

Tess Kujawa, Reporter
Tess Kujawa is a Berlin High School senior. She is excited to spend her last year writing for the Red ‘n’ Green as a reporter. She is also a part of the band, the student council, and is president of the finance club.