Berlin’s Theater Department put on ‘Almost Maine’ on April 11, 12. The show is made up of nine different skits about love. The play highlighted all different types of love and how the characters fell in love or how they fell out of love. It was very interesting to watch and observe the different actors playing many different roles throughout and matching the energy of the several different characters they played.
In the town of Almost, Maine, people experience the life-altering power of the human heart. In a series of playful and surreal experiences, relationships end, begin, or change beyond recognition, as strangers become friends, friends become lovers, and lovers turn into strangers.
The first half of the production “Almost Maine” kept the audience engaged and hanging at the edge of their seat to see what happened next. It was very obvious that the sound and light crew were on top of their cues. There also were not any hiccups with the cast and their lines.
Sophomore Makayla Trochinski played Gayle in the scene “Getting it Back.” Trochinski’s acting style seemed very real, and very dramatic. The audience’s attention was grabbed when she entered the stage screaming her ex-boyfriend, soon to be fiancé, named Lendall (played by junior Aidan Pierstorff). The facial expressions and voice changes she made from line to line showed her real emotion and passion for acting

In the second act the actors made a few mistakes with lines but recovered very well by making them seem to be part of their script. The lights and sound stayed in check, and had very few flaws. The second half of the “love skits” was less comprehensible due to actors playing many different roles in different scenes.
The ending of the play was kind of abrupt. The climax of the skit went directly to the resolution of the plot and skipped the falling action of the play. It left viewers wondering if the next scene is going to start or if the play is over.
Overall for being the first play Berlin High school has put on in four years, the actors have transitioned well from only doing musicals, to a more traditional stage performance without singing and dancing.

(AJ Elm)
Rating: 4.5/5