Phy Ed department welcomes new family members

Phy ed teacher Kimberly Gensel is 20 weeks pregnant. She and her husband find out the sex of their baby today.
April 24, 2023
The Physical Education Department has two teachers starting families. Phy ed teacher and softball coach Kimberly Gensel is 20 weeks pregnant and expecting her baby in September with her husband Brandon. Phy Ed teacher and track coach Jeremy Mercer just had a baby boy with his wife Sara.
Mercer deciding not to take any more leave will prevent an overlap between the Phy Ed Department.
“I’m the track coach and I didn’t want to miss too much so I will not be taking my full leave. This way when I decide to have my next child I will be able to take more leave,” Mercer said.
Gensel has a lot on her plate both at work and home to get ready for her new arrival.
“Softball is going very well! I am thankful I have a great coaching staff to help me this season. I am trying to take it easy while also understanding my limits at the same time,” Gensel said.
While she is preparing for her first baby, she’s also processes the changes mentally and physically.
“I think the biggest challenge for me has been accepting the changes my body is going through. It’s such an incredible but weird experience being pregnant and seeing and feeling your body go through these changes to grow a baby,” Gensel said.
Typically women will have weird pregnancy cravings.
“I haven’t had any ‘weird’ pregnancy cravings, but I have eaten A LOT of Eggo waffles and cheese dip (not together!),” Gensel said.
Gensel finds out the sex of her baby today. They do have some names picked out but Gensel prefers not to say.