Football team receives new helmets

Junior Wyatt Hamersma and freshman Jakob Martin will wear these new helmets next year on the feild. These helmets, which they received through the Packers Helmet Give Back Program, are valued at $6,000.
May 15, 2023
The BHS football team applied to win helmets from the Packers Helmet Give Back Program. They got 12 new helmets for free, valued at $6,000.
“I received an email from the Green Bay Packers community outreach manager letting us know about the opportunity. There was an online application I had to fill out giving the reasons and the needs of our program. Over 90 applications were submitted and BHS was one of 10 high schools to be chosen,” Head Football Coach Joe Stellmacher said.
Football equipment can be expensive. Being able to take advantage of this great opportunity will help get the football team ready for their next season.
“BHS received $6,000 worth of helmets. We had the option of what style helmet we wanted which varied on cost. The helmet I chose was Xenith’s high end helmet and we were able to get 12 new helmets for our program,” Stellmacher said.
Stellmacher also said the team doesn’t need any more helmets because he purchased eight new helmets of the same brand.
Getting these new helmets will have a positive effect on the players.
“I think it will make the players more confident while playing,” junior Wyatt Hamersma said.
Junior Parker Hess sees another benefit these helmets will bring to the team.
“The helmets will be more comfortable for players to wear,” Hess said.
According to Stellmacher, the football team gets eight new helmets every year and throws out eight old ones because helmets have a 10-year expiration date.