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The Student News Site of Berlin High School

The Red 'n' Green

The Student News Site of Berlin High School

The Red 'n' Green

The Student News Site of Berlin High School

The Red 'n' Green

Arianna McCormick

Arianna McCormick, Social Media Manager

Arianna McCormick is a Berlin High school Senior. Publications is her favorite class, and she is excited to spend her last year of high school as Social Media Manager for The Red ‘n’ Green. She is also the co-chair for the Wordsmiths of Berlin and the bulletin editor in Key Club.

All content by Arianna McCormick
FACS teacher Missy Daubner’s shoulder injury - the circled part is where her shoulder fractured. “I'm working on range of motion in physical therapy,” Daubner said. “I’m not supposed to lift or push or pull. They want me to have my range of motion back before they start adding weight.“

Daubner begins recovery from injury

Arianna McCormick, Editor-in-Chief
February 28, 2025
Junior Meradeth Reinsbach revs the engine on her Corvette. “The Corvette is named Gretta. I just call her Gretta Vette,” Reinsbach said. “I carry polaroid pictures of them in my wallet because I love them so much.”

Student shows love for unique cars

Arianna McCormick, Social Media Manager
January 27, 2025
BASD is having a referendum vote on Nov. 5 to determine whether or not the schools will get more funding through taxes.

BASD makes second attempt at referendum

Arianna McCormick, Social Media Manager
November 1, 2024
On Friday, the last day of homecoming, sophomore Jaiyda Johannes dressed up for spirit day.

Homecoming Dress Up Day

Arianna McCormick, Social Media Manager
September 20, 2024
On Thursday, the fourth day of homecoming, seniors Aliyah Johannes (right) and OIivia Faulkner (left) dressed up for bikers vs. surfers.

Homecoming Dress Up Day

Arianna McCormick, Social Media Manager
September 19, 2024
On Wednesday, the third day of homecoming, English teacher Angela Femali dressed up for class holiday day.

Dress Up Day

Arianna McCormick, Social Media Manager
September 18, 2024

Homecoming Dress Up Day

Arianna McCormick, Social Media Manager
September 17, 2024
On Monday, the first day of homecoming, junior Meradeth Reinbach dressed up for pajama day.

Homecoming Dress Up Day

Arianna McCormick, Social Media Manager
September 16, 2024
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